Apr 28, 2014

In Social media, when does a customer get hurt or really outraged?

As brands get more active in the social media, its but natural that the quantum of engagement move up, driven the layers of social media teams across companies.

In the recent times, the social media brands of some large corporations like General Mills Co and American Airlines, have been at the 'receiving end of the 'online' activists, and their customers as well.

If you have missed on the General Mills story, you could see it here 

US Airways faced the ire of some of us, as one their social media handle happily sent out a lewd picture in response to a query of its customer using twitter.

So, contrasting these two cases as extremes in social-media goof up, what could construe as real blunder in social?

The conclusion - as longs as the rights of the consumer are not at stake, and as long as the user and viewers have a good laugh - whatever the social handle disseminates will NOT cause real outrage.

Note the word REAL - that's the kind of outrage that has long term brand consequences; else outrages are just noise most times.

The moment the customers and stakeholders realize that the organisation is meddling with their rights, then its time for damage control.

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